Join The Friends (or renew your subscription)

We are seeking new members, not only in the UK and United States, but all over the world. You can join us today (or renew your membership) using the options below. We accept payment via PayPal, and UK residents may also if they prefer.

Members receive hardback numbered editions of our journal, Faunus (twice yearly), Machenalia: our printed newsletter and an invitation to The Friends annual meeting & dinner.

Annual Membership Prices

UK Membership (Individual)£19 (GBP)
UK Membership (Joint)£21 (GBP)
EU Membership£23 (GBP)
USA / Rest of the World Membership$36 (USD)

Get started by choosing your region. After making your purchase, you will receive two acknowledgement emails. The first will be from PayPal and will be sent immediately. The second will be from ourselves, welcoming you to The Friends (or confirming your renewal), although please allow a few days for this to arrive.

Paying by Cheque

If you live in the UK and would like to pay by cheque, please make cheques payable to FRIENDS OF ARTHUR MACHEN. Please post this to Mark Valentine, Stable Cottage, Priest Bank Road, Kildwick, Keighley, BD20 9BH, and remember to include a note with your name and email address. Once again, we regret we cannot accept overseas cheques owing to very high bank charges and complex administration.